Saturday, 30 January 2010

My French Education: Plus Que Jamais

So i'm learning a lot more French and my workplace is a lot more French than i thought it would be. This is great! I get free lessons from my colleagues. Today's word (phrase) is "plus que jamais". It means "more than ever". Not "more than never". That had me quiet confused for some time since i hear it all the time!

More cool phrases include "Je me suis trompé". This means "I tricked myself". Which really means: "I made a mistake". I use this a lot. Obviously.

And finally, the most important word i learned this week was "réglisse". This is liquorice, which means i can now offer some to my desk-mates. Excellent.


Phillie & Simon & Sal said...

Simon says the real translation is I trumped, i.e. made a vent chaud - you may have to ask Phil not a colleague to translate further

Ian said...

Tut tut - it only takes one person to lower the tone... ;)