Tuesday, 22 November 2011


I got to do "Mountain-Man" things this weekend.  Everyone should own a chainsaw - they are the most awesomest of awesome machines evA.

Doing stuff with wood and metal at 119 dB.  Awesome.

Interestingly, the chainsaw cost €500, but the protective gear (chainsaw-gloves, chainsaw-sleeves (which i now wear to bed - they are so comfy), chainsaw-boots, chainsaw-trousers, and face-protector) cost about €400.  Having said that, maybe it really isn't that interesting.  Supposedly the trousers can block the chainsaw blade - i wouldn't like to test it - the trousers aren't as solid as the wood the saw can cut though with very little effort.

Anyway, we now probably have enough wood to get us through to end-January - then we will just freeze for the rest of the winter because heating your house in the moutains is just too expensive.  Plus i'm a Mountain Man now so i don't get cold.

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