Friday, 10 September 2010


It is mushrooming season here in the gorgeous French Alps. In this part of the Alps the common varieties seem to be chanterelles and morilles - my preference being the latter. There are two many deadly mushrooms that look just like the chanterelle and the morille soaks up the flavour of whatever sauce it is in very nicely.

Anyway, what amazes me is that people actually have the time to go and look for mushrooms themselves. I barely have enough time to race down to Carrefour and get annoyed if they don't have the pre-washed pre-sliced and pre-weighed champignons ready to go.

While I was on my way down there tonight I passed a lady in the woods out looking for mushrooms. I now aspire to having enough free time to actually gather my own food from the wild. But that's ridiculous really because if I had that much free time I'd probably spend it playing GTA4.

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