Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Web 2.0

How very Web 2.0 of me.  For those who don't know, Web 2.0 is a catch-phrase used by highly overpaid marketing executives to indicate that their Web 2.0 site can successfully vanquish the remaining thirty seconds of your day by allowing you to do things like upload pictures of yourself committing some or other minor summary offence or misdemeanor.  Web 2.0 allows you to totally goof off while everyone else thinks you're working.  Or rather, it allows you to goof off while everyone else is also goofing off but who you think are working but who hope you don't know that they are also goofing off.

Still wondering what this post is about?  Me too.  i added a subscribe button over there on the right to make your goofing off even less like actual work.  i'm using FeedBurner so i get pretty stats and things.  Also because they were recently bought by Google and i am using Blogger after all.  If you were already subscribed - impossible because my wife is my only reader - then nothing changes actually and if i did it right hopefully you won't notice any difference.

This way, if one day i get a subscriber that doesn't have the same surname as me, i'll know about it and that will seriously make my day.

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